Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Tullus's African Skirmishers


Anonymous said...

Nice work! Which manufacturer(s) made the newer unit's figures? Is the leader's shield design hand-painted?


Secundus said...

They are Newline Design Numidians and yes that is a hand painted shield, not one of my best I have to say.

I painted them slightly darker than the usual reference of Numidians, to give them a more African feel. There's thousands of them, I can't wait to see them go up against Alanicus's Syrians.

Anonymous said...

The shield design does still look very effective, in a 'primitive' sort of way.

By comparison, I am very skeptical of the so-called 'freehand' banners that abound in WHFB circles, and which look like film posters or airbrushed automobile art ...
